Year 3 & Dreams Unfolding
Some of you have reached out to ask about my business…
I’m nearing the end of year 3 of my deep healing journey and I am feeling soooooo good. I don’t know if I’ll ever be 100% of a normal person again, but I suppose I’ve learned to accept today for the good it holds. Make no mistake, I continue to work at pushing my health forward. BUT, I finally, for the first time since my children were born over a decade ago, feel strong enough to live like a mom and wife daily.
It’s kind of embarrassing to say such a thing. It reveals the depth of brokenness in how I parented my kids for the first 10 years of their lives. It unveils the dirty house I’ve had and the insufficient meals I’ve cobbled together over the years. It pulls back the covers on how crappy a wife I have been and shows how inadequate a friend/daughter/sister I’ve been.
I’m still not enough of any of those things, but I can finally think about it and see it with a clear head and enough energy to put my head down at night and hope I can do better the next day because I’m no longer terrified at whether I can get up and do normal things the next day.
I get to go to my new office (yes, I just opened a new office to expand my services) and meet with people who are living the freak-ish days I lived for a decade. I get to share with them hope, guidance, and modalities with the dream their days get better too. I’ve been doing this work for almost 2 years now (after I went back to school to learn the trade of natural health.)
What a cool 2 years it has been. I get to sit front seat and watch people hurt the way I hurt and feel better the way I have felt better. Person after person meets with me and person after person leaves to go live their days feeling better. When life hits them with a wave I am privileged to see them again as they look for a boost.
I had a lot of dreams… after all, I am a dreamer. This was not one of them. I had no idea these things existed in the world. But, here I am, living a dream I never had and reveling in the joy of the work I do.
There’s grief in the dreams unrealized. Maybe some day I’ll touch on that. But, for today, I am basking in the gratitude that God has taken deep and ugly hard to make good of it. Good in a way I didn’t know existed. Good with people I wouldn’t have ever been able to know. Good that puts His glory on display and shows how He is working miracles every day. It’s a cool seat and I’m so glad I get to sit in it.
Thanks for asking. I’m glad I got to share about it with you. I hope you get to sit in a cool seat too where you can live in deep gratitude and see His miracles on display. If you’re not there yet, hang on… He’s doing a good work.